Originally Posted by lifesourcerec
Dunno if this is already a feature or not, but how can you make:
Specific URL mandatory and somehow make it where that a link a\can only be used twice (one time for each involved).
2 things .... i havent installed this yet but i want to install it on 2 templates what do i need to edit.. how do i find out what the style id's are?
also can u make it so only a thread from a particular forum(s) is valid?
so say my B/S/T forum is located at /forumdisplay.php?f=49 ; /forumdisplay.php?f=50 ; /forumdisplay.php?f=51
only threads from those forums would be valid?
also i almost forgot... i dont have access to phpMyadmin can u make a query install file?