Originally Posted by Fluous
Theres like a piece that says
Enter time requirements here (in hours) // what would i put there?
Add the number in hours that they have to make a post within. So you may do something like this.....
2 is for the ammount of time they have to make there 2 posts within.
'arcademinposts' => 2, 'arcademintime' => 24 // What are those 2 numbers mean? 24 as in hours?
thats just code needed to make the hack work like it should, just do all the changes it says and it will work fine, dont change the code.
and then this
$definedtime = ($minimumtime[time] * 3600 // whats that number?
Same for this do not change it as they are variables the hack looks for in order for it to function.
Also why I'm here. Does this work with 3.0.0? Hope it does.
It should work fine.
You cannot play games in the arcade unless you have made $minimumposts[number] posts within the last $minimumtime[time] hours. << Do I have to take out the $minimumposts[number] and replace that with a number. or replace number with the number.? same for the time..
NO DO NOT change these, they are variables it has to look for, they will check what you have set in the usergroup settings and display that amount, if you change these it will not work. But you can add other phrases to it such as $bbuserinfo[username] to dispay the username of whoever is doing it.
I have this
You cannot play games in the $vboptions[bbtitle] arcade unless you have made $minimumposts[number] posts within the last $minimumtime[time] hours.
Please make these required posts of a non spamming nature or they will be deleted.
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