Umm. I need to know which pieces to edit. Theres like a piece that says
Enter time requirements here (in hours) // what would i put there?
'arcademinposts' => 2, 'arcademintime' => 24 // What are those 2 numbers mean? 24 as in hours?
and then this
$definedtime = ($minimumtime[time] * 3600 // whats that number?
Also why I'm here. Does this work with 3.0.0? Hope it does.
You cannot play games in the arcade unless you have made $minimumposts[number] posts within the last $minimumtime[time] hours. << Do I have to take out the $minimumposts[number] and replace that with a number. or replace number with the number.? same for the time.. sorry i'm just coding stupid