Yes, I was referring to mailings lists. Ideally, I would like to see a form for every mailing list, which would be required for any "catch phrases".
At the moment none of the posts that I get for my mailings lists are being threaded; they are all only one post deep and each reply shows up as a seperate post. It looks the "RE:" portion of the subject title might be causing problems since it can show up in several different spots in the title. For example, for the original thread, [NewDVD] Spider Man deluxe edition, the replies show up as :
RE: [NewDVD] Spider Man deluxe edition
[NewDVD] RE: Spider Man deluxe edition
RE: [NewDVD] RE: Spider Man deluxe edition
I'm guessing it's just how the various mail programs that people use handle inserting "RE". Looking at several hundred messages, the best way to determine which reply goes with which message would be to look at the title starting from the end of the message and working backwards. You don't usually see the [xxx] or the RE: part at the end of the subject. A quick browse through about 300 messages showed that if I used the last three or four words of the subject line it would have accurately put the replies with the correct original thread.