Sorry guys, been really busy with work and at home,
Revenge and alfaowner try putting this code in global.php:
if ($bbuserinfo['pmpopup'] == 2 AND $bbuserinfo['pmsound'] == 0)
instead of:
if ($bbuserinfo['pmsound'] == 0)
And that should make the sound play only once. But it will not play a sound at all if they have PM pop-up notifications turned off. I'll see if I can find away around that as well if you'd like.
Glad you liked my site alfaowner.
gopherhockey, if you're still having that problem check the lines of code in global.php and profile.php very closly. More then likely something is botched up in there. I've installed this on 3 test boards and my own without a hitch. Are you running any other hacks that could conflict with this one?
Thanks to everyone who likes it.