Originally Posted by Reeve of shinra
completely understand that its a beta, I didn't mean to sound condesending in any way. I can only imagine the amout of work it took to integrate this and the results are great!
I'm not the greatest coder but perhaps this could be a static html page thats updated with new users via cron at a set interval?
This is a good point. What i could do:
- Implement at the beginning a query which counts the number of ZIP codes entered by the members.
- If the number is the same, then don't redraw the map
- If the number is not the same then draw the map and instead of echo the userinfo and data like mouseover, write this info into a file.
- open the map and load the data from the file
So this would reduce the number of queries to 1 or x. And only if a new ZIP code has been entered, the load of queries will run.
How does this sound ? Good or bad idea ? Any other possibilities ?