Originally Posted by princeton
thanks for the list
SUGGESTION on next update
Create a script (ala cron job) to remove certain post(s) (by subject) that contains "porn", "$", "buy", etc, etc...
After a long battle with my host and finding a good NSP, I finally got this hack to work but only through port 23... which is fine with me as long as it works.
I would like to add to what Princeton has suggested. We absolutely need a filter system to screen out not only offensive headers but also attachments. One of my subscribed groups is a binary group. (alt.binaries.3d.lightwave) Lately, I have been deleting virii that come through and plant themselves as simple attachments. The main type has been the .scr variety. I would hate to see one of my members click on one of these attachments before I can find it and del it. Perhaps we can intergrate the attachment file extension permissions from VB into this hack, no?