I have uploaded my index.php file.
here is the code I added:
// Who's in chat
$chatdatecut = TIMENOW - 65;
$inchat=$DB_site->query("SELECT *
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "chatters
WHERE chattime > $chatdatecut
ORDER BY username ASC");
if ($DB_site->num_rows($inchat)==0) {
$nobody = "No users are chatting.";
while ($chatting=$DB_site->fetch_array($inchat)) {
$chatusername = $chatting[username];
$chatuserid = $chatting[userid];
eval('$chatters .= ", ' . fetch_template('chat_chatters') . '";');
$chatters = substr($chatters , 2);
Just as the instructions said. I made no changes. Thank you for the help...
EDIT: File removed by Boofo. vBulletin files cannot be posted here. Sorry.