BTW.. Canada now has a treaty with the US and will send back folks avoiding the draft and seeking refuge in Canada.. I think that was one of the points either in NAFTA or some arrangement previous to that.. can't remember.. I do know that they will send you back.. Claiming asylum won't help, nor will claiming political refugee status as we are not considered a country in turmoil.. or something along those lines..
Personally, I lived in Canada for awhile back in '99.. and while I found it nice, it didn't feel right.. Nor did I feel welcome.. I was actually very surprised to see the amount of outright hatred towards Americans in Canada..
So often, people tend to forget that the people of a country may not stand beside or even behind the reasoning of their goverment.. People of other locations use a given countries foreign policy as an immediate way to hate those from that country.. I love America.. the good ol' USA and all that.. But if I had to choose anywhere in the world, it would have to be Sweden.. They are, as far as I know, one of the last remaining large, non third world countries, to remain nuetral.. If not the only remaining country that's not considered third world..
Besides, who can resist the Swedish Bikini Team, ffs..