Originally Posted by Boofo
It's not that wqe are losing soldiers, it's guys with the attitude that they don't want to server their country that aren't signing up. If more people would want to server their country, they wouldn't have to have a draft.
Boofo I hate to pick on ya man but your post caught my attention. I don't know the hard facts but i'm willing to bet the US army is the largest in the world behind china. And in my honest opioion there is NO reason to have a draft in this day and age. We are not in any major conflict that our current reserves can't handle.
I don't know about you man but I love my for-fathers as much as anyone else, and im grateful to live in this country (altho some days I wish I was in a'dam). But im not going oversee's or anywhere else to fight any war I don't agree with.