For Boofo, it's understandable his opinions differ, given his age difference from the majority young here. Opinions are relative. Maybe he grew up in a location where there wasn't much opportunity, and being patriotic was best represented by going to war for your country.
Today is an era of technology and change, and there are more openings to success for young people than there were in the past. Going to war isn't the only way to be patriotic for your country. Building a family, and contributing to the economy also will help the country. It's harsh to think the government would ignore people's ambitions, dreams, or aspirations and send them off to war to be killed. The draft is a ridiculous concept in a true Democracy. If people don't want to go to war, the government shouldn't be going to war either. The Republican government is also being cowardice by slying this legislation behind peoples back, they should really confront it with the people more.
Not only is a family whose son or daughter (will they force women into war..?) killed in war suffer emotionally, but if that son or daughter was the family's prime chance of getting out of financial slump, then that family just lost its chance and will remain poor for the rest of their lives. For every good life lost in the draft, many others are lost.