This is what I can't stand for in this bill. To be in the house you must be atleast 25 years old I believe. And to be in the senate you have to be at least 30 years old. The proposed bill suggests that anyone age 18 to 25 serve a 2 year period of service. Who is protecting me up in DC? Since no one in that age group is in Congress, save a few House members maybe, who is there to protect me? This is like your parnets telling you you have to join metal shop or something I honestly be no draft without proper representation in congress.
On another note I have thought hard and long about whether I would go into the service or not. I'm still undecided but I know I don't want to be on the front lines being shot at. While I believe true peace can probably never be achieved and you must fight for freedom I would rather be helping those on the front lines than actually be on the front lines. If I went anywhere it would probably be to the Air Force as a computer programmer or something.