okay... i think i've figured out the thread issue (reading up on some other hacks that count new threads). there's basically two forms of the query for the new threads.
one, the one that this hack uses, counts new threads as any thread that has a new post in it... whether or not it's actually NEW or not.
the other, will only count NEW threads (i think).
it's a matter of preference really... but here's some code to count NEW threads only
$getnewthread=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."thread WHERE dateline > '".$bbuserinfo['lastvisit']."'");
i got that code from
notice the very small difference... instead of
"thread where lastpost >, it's
"thread WHERE dateline >.
i THINK this is working on my board. i'll have to wait for some new threads and more posts to know for sure.
i simply replaced the following line in index.php...
$welcome_new_topics=$DB_site->query_first("select count(*) as new_topics from ".TABLE_PREFIX."thread where lastpost > '{$bbuserinfo['lastvisit']}'");
$welcome_new_topics=$DB_site->query_first("select count(*) as new_topics from ".TABLE_PREFIX."thread where dateline > '{$bbuserinfo['lastvisit']}'");
hope this helps some of you.