Cool, I'll install this tonight and tell you my results.
Oook, I tested this on my test dumby and it works great and all, buuuuut, one small thing.
He doesn't get auto banned. I might of missed something, but once it reaches 5, it stays at five and test (my dumby account) can still post and everything.
EDIT: Ok, I fixed that problem. The thing is usergroup 8 were my RPG Moderators so they were being moved there. I edited warn.php.
PHP Code:
$DB->query("update ".TABLE_PREFIX."user set usergroupid='8',warning_level='{$level}' where userid='{$user['userid']}'");
The 8, you change it to any number you want the banned users to be in.
Now, when I click the unban button... they don't move them back to the registered group.