Error on Pm input? Then you have modified the table structure, but no worries, that can be, shall we say, rectified
PHP Code:
$DB->query("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."pmtext values ('{$from['userid']}','".addslashes($from['username'])."','{$title}','{$message}','".addslashes(serialize($to_string))."','4','{$now}','1','1')");
Change To:
PHP Code:
$DB->query("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."pmtext (fromuserid,fromusername,title,message,touserarray,iconid,dateline,showsignature,allowsmilie) values ('{$from['userid']}','".addslashes($from['username'])."','{$title}','{$message}','".addslashes(serialize($to_string))."','4','{$now}','1','1')");
Screen shots, ill put them in my main post tomorrow
As for unbanning, it only unbans those "auto" banned by the system, and running the unbaned users only unbans those past the time lmit specified when they were banned
- Zero Tolerance