Originally Posted by Oldfart
I have a question.
Would it be possable to make this hack to be able to download as well as upload from the same directory?
I guess I should explain. What i'm looking for is a non PHP MySql upload/download program for my website. I have pafiledb but I can't upload anything larger than 2mbs because of my hosts php upload settings. I have over 7 gig's worth of web space that I pay for but never use anywheres close to it and I would like to allow my members to be able to use some of this unsed space.
Thanks for your reply.
Hi Oldfart,
the PHP setting for the upload is per default 2MB. You have to change this setting to upload more then 2MB. If you want to upload into a MySQL database then you have to edit your .cnf file to allow bigger uploads into the DB.
This is an HTTP upload with PHP files and this will always rely on the php.ini setting. If you are not able to edit the 2MB limit, then this hack will not help you at all. Sorry, but no way to get around this.