Ok, honestly - this is the most disorganized release I have ever seen - I would submit a bug report, but the bug report thing seems to have a bug.
As shown earlier - I get nothing for the phrases - I think everything else works after three hours of what should have bee a five minute install - I will just go in and hard code the phrases --
my suggestion - I have no idea what the hcl garbage is, I am sure its cool, the best thing since Larry Flynt started a magazine - but these are not not even close to instuctions
1) Copy the file bugs.php to your forum root, bugsadmin.php to /admincp.
2) Import the phrases from HTL/vbbugs_phrases.xml
This invloves altering table language to have a new column
and to insert a new record in into table phrasetypes.
3) Import the templates from HTL/vbbugs_templates.xml
4) Run the following queries to create the necessary tables
{ new tables for bugs sql, only new tables in this sql }
5) Import the settings from HTL/vbbugs_settings.xml
6) This file-edit is optional. It will create links in the ACP to manage bugs, types, states and severities
Again, I did search around and found this HTL thingy - I dont want to install it - my forums are on a route right now not to be very upgradeable - in fact some files do not even pretend to resemble the original code - Now I only deal with english, so I never mess around with all this phrase stuff and junk - actually as soon as i get time am going to destroy that entire system and eradicate it from my life - but it works no problem, except now - now I either got to figure out the system or as I said just manually do it -
This though is the winner of non instructions in an instructions file
and to insert a new record in into table phrasetypes.
thats great.
Oh yea, who won that game today?
I am willing to bet that your answer to my question, is the same answer I have to that particular part of the instructions.
I am being critical, but thats only because it looks to be worthwhile - there are many hacks I take one look at, laugh, and move on and dont post anything about - cause they are not worth it - this one looks like it could be.
But I will give you credit. I have installed hacks like polls and private messages and who's online and many others - this is the first time I have ever got frustrated