I have made a lot of changes to the scripts. Please try the new one from:
For people who have essential posting problem. Please post your cron job, if it works manually, it should work with crontab under *nix. I am not quite sure about running the cron using vB control panel. Perhaps something I will look into later on. Right now, I would like to spend more time to make the basic functionalities stable.
More details about your problem always helps others to help you. So instead of saying my posting does not work, why not copy the screen dump here? Many problems are related to the news server. So if possible, use telnet to connect to the server and see what responses you are getting. eg.
[ns@mb eyoforums]$ telnet news.swiftel.com.au 119
Connected to news.swiftel.com.au (
Escape character is '^]'.
200 news.syd.swiftdsl.com.au NNRP Service Ready -
sysadmin@swiftel.com.au (posting ok).
GROUP aus.tv
211 12275 54464 66738 aus.tv
ie. after telnet in
GROUP group.name
then type
(xxxx is the post number)
You should get the whole article including the header. If the telnet does not even work. There is no point trying to fix the gateway.