When you try to run the query from phpMyAdmin it says...
SQL-query : [Edit]
INSERT INTO datastore (title, data) VALUES ('todaymaxonline', 'a:2:{s:14:\"todaymaxonline\";i:1;s:18:\"todaymaxonlinedate\";i:1070000000;}')
MySQL said:
Duplicate entry 'todaymaxonline' for key 1
it's also messed up when it comes to the record number. On the first day it got over 200, but right now it says....
Number of Active Users Today: 116
Most users ever online on a day was 116 on Today.
All times are GMT -7. The time now is 12:18 AM.
Index page says
Number of Active Users Today: 9
Most users ever online on a day was 9 on Today.
And has any one figure out how to make both of them use the same time zone?
Some one should move this over to beta until it actually works!!!!