Except that the critism is misdirected - as a vB user, not as a PhotoPost developer, I was looking for a paid mod to convert my extremefitness.com site from Threads to vB. I run about 500-600 people online throughout the day and think a vB3 upgrade would be well received on my site. I asked about this policy in direct connection to my looking for someone who had posted about a paid mod and had their post removed.
I've said this many, many times; but Boofo keeps going back to takes on PhotoPost which has nothing to do with my inquiry. PhotoPost is not a mod - its a standalone application. As such, I wouldn't expect to be able to promote it as a mod. So, from my perspective all this is a nonissue and has nothing to do with my interest in having access to professional mods.
I run a half dozen sites - including photopostdev.com which runs vB3 and viperalley.com which runs a highly modified UBBThreads. Not everything I do is related to PhotoPost (kinda like my signature that I wrote below which still does 2 million impressions a day).
My coming here as a customer shouldn't mean its open season on hyjacking my threads to make it about my involvement in PhotoPost.