Originally Posted by tmhall
I'm interested in this hack, but I'm brand new to vB3 and a bit put off by the caveat that use of the replacements system in this way might preclude its use in other ways. I guess I'm asking what potential I lose by using this, since I'm not really sure what else I would use replacements for.
Well, if you have to ask, you're probably not likely to be affected. =) I haven't yet had any use for replacements, but you could use them to... um... alter the pages in some way. e.g. replacing "<body " with "<body onLoad=..." -- that's something you could do with templates though. Or, say, "someword" with one of those "sponsored links" things. I don't know what else people use the replacements for generally.
I put the caveat in there really as I'm sure some people use the replacements for various purposes, but in general I think most people would be fine using them to implement a censorship hack.