I've finally found the time to bring my new site up and am curious to hear about your honest comments (yes, I can take criticisim, but please with explanation

) Most of my time went into designing the frontpage:
You can use the following test account: username: test/ password: test
The forum skin itself is based on a purchased premade skin, which I took as a basis for some heavy modifications (postbit etc). Before anyone cries - I paid for the copyright removal.
Some of the new features that are already in place:
- A new frontpage article system which allows editors to bring interesting articles to the frontpage
- RSS feeds from other excellent sources (can be selectively turned on/off)
- A Link Directory (which is written and installed, but not yet filled) - any volunteers?
- A Chat system that allows us to have schedule meetings for real-time chats
- A Games Arcade which allows you to have some bright moments at your work place and also to compete against your fellows
- A Mobile version which allows you to browse the full forum and to make new posts with your mobile device (a Avantgo-like version will be in place in the next few days)
- something else I forgot?
Oh, I forgot to mention: MobileRead.com deals with anything related to e-books and other kinds of content which you can access while you are on the run. (I will add a more eloquent "About Us" on the web soon).