Originally Posted by Ryan Ashbrook
I'm gonna start going going to vBT alot more often now.
Even if it's just me running around with the mods helping people, one more is better then none, correct?
And besides, IMO, it's not the style that counts, it's the content of the site. I've seen some sites with really ugly styles that are even more active than all of the three vB sites put together.
And trust me, vBT has good content, it's just getting it out to people.
Thank you, this is the attitude that many members of vB.org have, and it is what will make vBT a successful support site. Even though it seems troubled now, it will get back to it's former glory.
Just like to say, thank you to all members who are supporting vBT in any way they can. It's a great thing to know that your help and work is appreciated.