Originally Posted by The Watcher
hi just installed this and it works just as you say - sweet
I have a few suggestions however:
1) Ability for users to choose the subscription amount
2) Ability to make it a one-time payment
3) Ability for users to cancel their subscription from within vbulletin
4) Send user a PM each time their subscription renews
I don't know if these are possible but be good if they were - especially as I am thinking that its gonna take Jelsoft a decade to do their PayPal rewrite. They say they will do it for v3.1 yet they are still only on 3.0.1 so er mayb a decade is too soon ... who knows !!!
Anyways, thanks for this excellent hack.
Glad you like
As for list
1, hmm not sure how I like that idea
2, you can do this in admin cp, just do not click reoccur
3, I do not think this is possible , they have to via paypal or you do
4, Very possible and easy to do, may add it in I like idea.