Ok i get this error when running a hack.. finally got the other thing to work but this is the error..
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:
Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO hacklog (hacklogid, hackid, modname, modtype, linenumber, changetype, userid, oldcode, newcode, dateline, lastmodified, notes) VALUES ('', 3, 'includes/adminfunctions_template.php', 0, 3079, 2, 1, ');', 'if ($_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\'] == \"/$admincpdir/template.php\")
if ($vboptions[\'htl_use_auto_tgroups\'] == 1)
$hack_tgroups = $DB_site->query(\"SELECT groupname, title FROM \" . TABLE_PREFIX . \"hack WHERE (options & \" . HTLSETTING_SHOWTEMPLATEGROUP . \") AND atstep = -1 AND groupname != \'\'\");
while ($tgroup = $DB_site->fetch_array($hack_tgroups))
$name = preg_replace(\'/[^a-z]/\', \'\', strtolower($tgroup[\'groupname\']));
$only[$name] = $tgroup[\'title\'];
}', 1064508412, 1075038411, 'This is all the way at the VERY END of the adminfunctions_template.php file! You just basically add the code at the bottom

'), ('', 3, 'admincp/index.php', 0, 497, 2, 1, ' // cache nav prefs
construct_nav_spacer();', ' // first we get the config_htl.php file that we need for some of this..
$thisnav = (!isset($_GET[\'hacksnav\'])) ? \'vb\' : \'hacks\';
construct_nav_option2($vbphrase[\'htl_cphome_refresh_current_menu\'], \'index.php?do=nav\' . iif($thisnav!=\'vb\' AND $vboptions[\'htl_use_dual_nav\'], \'&hacksnav=1\'), \'<br />\');
if ($vboptions[\'htl_use_dual_nav\'])
if ($_REQUEST[\'hacksnav\'] == 1)
define(\'QUICKSTOP\', true);
$thisnav = \'hacks\';
construct_nav_option2(iif($thisnav==\'vb\', $vbphrase[\'htl_cphome_hacks_menu\'], $vbphrase[\'htl_cphome_standard_vb_menu\']),
\'index.php?do=nav\' . iif($thisnav==\'vb\', \'&hacksnav=1\'), \'<br />\');
if (!$vboptions[\'htl_use_dual_nav\'])
// place this line lower in this section to have the hack menu items appear elsewhere
if (defined(\'QUICKSTOP\'))
echo \"</div>\\n\";
// *************************************************
define(\'NO_CP_COPYRIGHT\', true);
}', 0, 1075038411, 'In the new code below, the first occurance of <b><u>build_hacknavs();</u></b> reflects the position in the navpanel where the Hack menu items will appear. If you want them elsewhere, shift the code to your desired location. NOTE: this is only applicable if you <i>don\'t</i> use Dual Navigation.'), ('', 3, 'includes/adminfunctions_navpanel.php', 0, 264, 2, 1, ' <?php
echo $controls . $_NAV . $_controls;
', '// ###################### Start makenavoption 2#######################
// similar to the normal one, except it doesn\'t send you to the main frame.
// function granted to the HTL by trafix, copyright (C) trafix
function construct_nav_option2($title, $url, $extra = \'\')
global $session, $options;
static $sessionlink;
if (!isset($options))
$options = array();
if ($session[\'sessionurl\'] == \'\')
$sessionlink = \'\';
$sessionlink = \"&s=$session[sessionhash]\";
$options[] = \"\\t\\t<div class=\\\"navlink-normal\\\" onclick=\\\"location=\'$url$sessionlink\';\\\" onmouseover=\\\"this.className=\'navlink-hover\';\\\" onmouseout=\\\"this.className=\'navlink-normal\'\\\"><a href=\\\"$url$sessionlink\\\" target=\\\"_self\\\" onclick=\\\"window.event.cancelBubble = true;\\\">$title</a>$_extra</div>\\n\";
// ###################### Start build_hacknavs ######################
// creates navpanel menu blocks for all hacks in the HTL that have this enabled
function build_hacknavs()
global $DB_site;
static $hackmenu;
$get_hack_navs = $DB_site->query(\"SELECT menubits FROM \" . TABLE_PREFIX . \"hack WHERE (options & \" . HTLSETTING_SHOWMENU . \") AND atstep=-1\");
while ($hackmenu = $DB_site->fetch_array($get_hack_navs))
// ###################### Start construct_hack_nav ##################
// takes $ser_data, which is a serialized array with info, and creates
// a whole menu block item out of it

function construct_hack_nav($ser_data)
global $vboptions;
$prefix = ($vboptions[\'htl_prefix_titles\']) ? $vboptions[\'htl_prefix_what\'] : \'\';
$data = unserialize($ser_data);
if (sizeof($data) > 1)
$title = $data[0];
foreach($data as $displayorder=>$arry)
construct_nav_option($arry[\'text\'], $arry[\'url\'], \'<br />\');
construct_nav_group($prefix . $title, \'<hr />\');
}', 1065286318, 1075038411, 'The file edit below adds some important functions for the navpanel.')
mysql error: Unknown column 'changetype' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Saturday 08th of May 2004 12:14:38 PM