This might help fam.
I'm willing to pay for a rap battle hack if anyone can create this. Here we go.
Admin Panel:
Option to set up a tournament in a designated forum.
Option to prune user battle stats.
Option to choose which forum battles will be posted(Looking to set up three or more forums for this.
Integration into UCash and UShop. Contenders bet. The winner recieves, loser gains nothing but loses money
Stats: Win/Loss and KO's stored in the database.
Option to have users host their stats in their signatures.
Challenge User. (Most likely best spot in the postbit..Battle User)
A battle ranking page.
Basically fully automated. Similar to but not quite like the RPG hacks.
For the price I'm willing to pay. Please E-mail at
Kinda of late and I"m tired.
Battle Ring. Please add more features if I missed any.
If they can't. I'll see if I can get it done.