You know what I miss from the old-style BBS's? The activity logs! I would love it if someone made a Log system for vB 3.01!!!
I'm talking about something that would be completely date and time stamped and show the following stuff:
1. Logins
User ID
IP Address
Alternate IP, if behind a proxy that indicates the IP behind it
2. Logoffs
User ID
IP Address
Alternate IP, if behind a proxy that indicates the IP behind it
Indicate whether this was a Manual Logoff, or a Timed Out Session.
3. New Threads
User ID
IP Address
Alternate IP, if behind a proxy that indicates the IP behind it
Thread ID
Thread Name
SubForum ID it was posted in
SubForum Name it was posted in
4. New Posts
User ID
IP Address
Alternate IP, if behind a proxy that indicates the IP behind it
Thread ID
Thread Name
SubForum ID it was posted in
SubForum Name it was posted in
Post ID
5. Edited Posts
User ID
IP Address
Alternate IP, if behind a proxy that indicates the IP behind it
Thread ID
Thread Name
SubForum ID it was posted in
SubForum Name it was posted in
Post ID
This hack can either append all of the data to a Text File, or if there is better performance by having it put all of this into the database, than that's fine too.
However, although not necessary - I'm sure some people would find it convenient if there was a way to configure which of the five items listed above will actually be logged. Some people might only need/want Login/Logoff information, while others might want the full shebang. This can either be configured via Text File, Database Entry, or simply the hack instructions clearly indicating what parts to put in for what functionality.
So, how does all of this sound? Does this sound like something that other people would like to have as well?
Is someone willing to take a stab at it?