Vb Garage/Timeslip Database integration update:
Hey guys, if you have integrated your Timeslip database fields (or any custom fields for that matter) into your VB Garage display, you can easily edit DeWayne's "Edit Vehicle Profile" functions to include the custom fields you have created so they also display under "Edit Vehcile Profile". Simply add them to the "includes/functions_user.php" file in these four areas:
"Start verifyprofilefields"
"Start getprofilefields"
"Start verifyvehiclefields"
"Start gettimeslipfields"
Look for the lines where all the timeslip database custom fields are displayed- will look like this:
"(50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64 ,65) AND editable = 1"
Simply add the numbers of any custom fields that pertain to the VB Garage display, and when the user selects "Edit Vehcile Profile" then all the fields in that string that you want to display in that edit page will show up. On my board I also have edited template "modifytimeslip" to say:
"This information will be displayed on our Timeslip Database page and your VB Garage. Do NOT Submit false data! Vehicle Profile privileges will be taken away from those who submit false info."
I am in process of editing the instructions for "Edit Vb Garage" to instruct the user to be sure to edit "Vehicle Profile" info.
Hope this helps guys...