Installed this on a hacked-up vb2.3.3 board and it works fine.
However, there is a typo in the install file which adds an extra 'http://' to the topic address which the system PMs them. To fix it look for this line in the instructions:
PHP Code:
and remove the 'http://' so it becomes:
PHP Code:
Also some other minor changes I made and though I would share:
- To make the PM icon change from a sad smilie to a ! (exclamation) mark, search for this part of code in the instructions:
PHP Code:
and change the 9 to a 4...
PHP Code:
To find the number for any other message icon, i.e. the happy smilie, just right click and view the properties of the relevant posticon image (you can find them on a start new thread page, i.e. they are 1.gif, 2.gif etc.).
- I also created a new user called "MoveAlert" and disabled PMs for him. I then made the hack use that ID for all messages... just for presentation really.
1. Add a new user
2. Make note of the User ID number
3. Find this line:
PHP Code:
VALUES (NULL,$firstpostinfo[userid],$firstpostinfo[userid],1,'Your post has been moved.'
Change the 1 (just before 'Your post has been moved.' to the new users ID number.
Finally I put a pair of quote marks around the title as it appears in the private message to make it look neater...
PHP Code:
$movemessage="Your thread entitled ".$threadinfo[title]."
and add a ' to either end, i.e...
PHP Code:
$movemessage="Your thread entitled '".$threadinfo[title]."'
Hope this lots is helpful and thanks for the original hack - very cool :squareeyed: