Originally Posted by AlexanderT
Just out of curiousity and endless boredom... if I write a hack and publish it here, will the hack automatically become Jelsoft's property and Jelsoft's right to decide who is going to access my hack?
No, it will not. Jelsoft doesn't police hacks. We will work against piracy sites that distribute vBulletin and its individual parts. We will fight piracy if a site is using vBulletin to distribute hacks they do not have permission to distribute. However, we do not have the resources or capital to fight piracy on individual hacks that are being distributed independantly of vBulletin. Each hack author would have to protect his own intellectual property rights that way, just like any other software publisher. Even then we do the best to protect hack authors.
We are looking at ways to prevent these dishonest license holders from diluting the vBulletin name and distributing hacks like this though. This is the number one cause of vBulletin Piracy right now. There are people who have purchased licenses simply to distribute vBulletin and its hacks on blackmarket channels.