haha. eleventy-seven. Someone has been studying the works of Bilbo Baggins, I see.
But I pretty much agree with what's been said. When I came here when I got my first vb board, I felt inundated by the people here. Everyone knew what was going on and even though I knew PHP, I didn't understand vb. When I tried to work on a mod for vb, I was more often than not abruptly told it was already done with a link to the thread showing it had been done. No warmth. No encouragment to keep on keeping on. So I pretty much quit vb and stopped visiting here.
Now vb3 has come and the stage is wide open. Very few hacks. Very few mods. Alot of the old classics incorporated into it so no need to try to port the popular hacks. vb.org postership is down so the clautrophobic feeling of thousands of members telling you to RTFM is dissipated too.
I think vb.org has an opportunity here. It's not a new community but alot of the crap is gone. Posting is down, but it gives a new opportuity to build this community into something better than it ever was. And although it starts with members like me, it needs to be helped in lare amounts by the leadership kicking in and steering the ship.