Originally Posted by yeloc
Can anyone log in with their board administrator account? No matter what password I put in the applet will not accept it It's not taking my board password or the DigiChat password. I changed the password so their both the same, but same error that either my name or password is invalid. I log out and log in as another user and it works fine. This is narrowed down to the admin.
Ok. This is easy. Let me explain.
The problem we are facing here is, that you have a forum account which could be "John Doe" and this should also be your chat account. :devious:
But now you have 2 types of accounts for the chat. DigiChat reserves the chatmaster account. So if you try to connect to the chat with the name "John Doe" and you have a chatmaster "John Doe" it will not let you log into the chat with the NON-Admin login. :disappointed:
So what to do ? Due to this i renamed all my chat accounts. So all chataccounts have now at the end (CM) which means they have the status chatmaster.
What dou you have to do ?
You have to do nothing on the forum side. You can log into the chat with your "John Doe" on the left side with the javascript pop-ups. But in the DigiChat you have to rename your account to "John Doe(CM)". :ermm:
Black standard user login on the left side = "John Doe".
Blue Chatmaster or Admin Login on the right side = "John Doe(CM)".
So now you can log into the chat as a normale user or as admin. :nervous: