Originally Posted by floris
It wasn't a leech community when I first joined 
Then what was it Floris?
In this community there is always 2 group of people: Hackers who release hacks, non-hackers who downloads them. Or non-hackers who asks helps and hackers who provides help. This was so in the first day this site is built. It is so now. And it will be so in the future.
I don't use the word "leech community" in a bad form. It shouldn't need to have a bad meaning. It is just the characteristic of this board that is it. My personal forum is a law site and it is a leech community either. There are a group of lawmen and people who join board to get free advice from lawyers and judges. So my own board is also a leech community. Being a leech community itself is not bad, some forums just have to be so. But it becomes bad if we deny it or not understand it well, because then we can not provide solutions to make the site better.
My point was that due to the characteristic of this site, it is not fair to compare here with sitepoint.