much better post, amy.. and a post i believe everyone here can understand and deal with..
however template talk ain't allowed here.. which is one of the reasons i also think this site has gotten less action.. not that vbt has gotten more, or less, but having everything so spread out is a royal pain in the caboose.. that also deters from any feeling of community and also only goes to further the leech mentality..
now about the hacks and providers.. i try to answer folks if they are looking for something, i try and do my part my maybe commenting when someone asks what should be in a good whatever kind of hack.. and so do a majority of the "regulars" here.. but you can't just expect folks to contribute even so much as a thought if they see that some of the hack providers are not only asses, but not willing to update their own stuff, lend a hand if it gets screwy, so on and so on.. now that's not to say they are responsible for anyones own personal install.. but common decency goes a very long way..
err.. much more to say.. now i have to attend to a virus that has just shown up.. good day..