O.k. I'll be the first to admit that I was blunt and probably hurt some feelings. I also understand that this site is going the way Jelsoft wants it to go - free addons for their customers and somebody dreaming up new features for future versions.
The comment was that this community is quiet. My response was that it's because the core members who used to hang out and socialize are basically gone - with their hacks - because the site isn't FOR them anymore.
Watch the who's online at this place sometimes. You don't see people reading the coding information. You don't see many of them looking to chat with other vbulletin owners. They come, grab the code, and leave.
Now, I'm not saying non-coders aren't welcome here and I agree that a great way to learn to code is to study things done by others and then to modify that code slightly. I am not whining about new coders. Bring em on.
Boofo was one once. Rose was. I was. I learned a hell of a lot from reading Wayne Luke's work and Logician's stuff and even chen's.
The key to making this community work is to CONTRIBUTE. If you can't code, help in other ways. Sinecure couldn't code for beans but he helped others with templates, graphics and other things that he knew.
If you want this to be a community, make it one. Quit whining that coders aren't nice to you and that people haven't ported the hacks that you want. Figure out what YOU can do personally to make VB.org better, and do it.