Originally Posted by AlexanderT
Nice hack. It could be extended by adding the username of the user (in case he was already logged in to the forum before) who tries to login.
Thats a great idea!
For those who have already installed and want to add this feature..
In login.php find:
$iphostname = @gethostbyaddr(IPADDRESS);
Below it add:
if ($bbuserinfo[userid]>0)
$realname = "vBulletin has identified this user as: $bbuserinfo[username] \r\n";
Then find this code (2 places):
$message="Someone is trying to login to your admincp!\n\n $fusername $fpassword $fipaddress Host: $iphostname\r\n $fstrk $freferer $fscriptpath $fdate";
Replace both instances of the code above with this:
$message="Someone is trying to login to your admincp!\n\n $fusername $fpassword $fipaddress Host: $iphostname\r\n $fstrk $freferer $fscriptpath $fdate $realname";
I updated the instructions to include this. Thanks to AlexanderT for the idea.