Originally Posted by sabret00the
vBT is a graveyard, and although Tony seems to be active, from my visits i tend to get the general impression that Zack is the only one really doing owt over there, i mean Brad's more active over here and on .com than he is there, a good example of that ocmmunity being dead is here. Saying that though i do think Brad's the man for vBT, i just think he needs more support from Jelsoft and also some additional active staff in the mould of Zach.
I know I used to do alot more support before, but I have entered my 2nd last year of High School, where homework comes in the truckloads and sometimes my job can get in the way too. I just have alot of outside things holding me back from supporting in every single thread, but when I get a good hour to browse around vBT, I try to help as many people as I possibly can. Zach isn't bogged down by things like school, so he has the time to openly support people. It isn't my fault that things like going to school occur in life, but they take up time, and the only way to manage my homework is to cut back a bit on the internet. I just hope you realise it's not because I don't "feel" like it or I don't want to, but I do my best for the time that is given to me. Plus I also moderate other forums which I need to visit, which makes it harder.
But I will try harder to support around vBT more, as Zach probably doesn't like doing the majority on his own.
Thanks for reading.