Originally Posted by welo
I don't recall addressing you on this matter, but thanks. I can both read and respect people's decisions. If it weren't for this little gem:
...I might be inclined to believe he really didn't care about this hack anymore. The feeling I get is the main reason he's collapsing the project is frustration, so I must assume this is the impression he intended to convey.
We're all busy people. Whether he decides to reengage the project or not, his alternate statements on the opening post of this thread flagrantly place this hack in the public domain, so it couldn't hurt to look at this from a slightly different perspective for anyone who's interested. If I've figured out nothing else in my life I've learned:
A) it's pointless to be paranoid about other people stealing your ideas. It's frustrating, certainly, yet when you have one idea you automatically know you have the ability to encounter many more.
B) The two most common excuses people use to fail at anything are time and money (in that precise order).
Lots of people are obviously interested in this hack, so I'm betting it's feasible to drum up enough support to pursue it in a different direction people would appreciate. That's all I'm saying.
To each his own welo, but I frankly don't care if you believe me or not. I'm not a liar and I have nothing to hide behind, I said I don't have time because I don't have time. It's getting pretty old people thinking they know my situation I'm in when in fact they've never even had a conversation with me. So, until you atleast make some sort of small talk with me, do everybody a favor and a be quiet. Also, for what it's worth, I'm not providing support for this hack anymore. People constantly demanding and thinking I owe them support by PMing me and messaging me, in addition to people suddenly knowing my life story, is getting very old.