Beeing a practical communication expert I think from seeing the demo
this might be the first hack using up to date technolegy
php with sql and
linux with apache
linked with modrewrite a logic linking system of its own
might be the first electronic marketing idear that made me shiver
german would be easier-)
a question thou i have
a) the funktionality of the demo -
might it work - as version vBulletin 3.0.0 for somebody fit in prinzipals of php sql linux apache without expert knolege
in any of those and a installatin time of 3 hours?
b) does the script acutualy distinguish between searchengine and human or does ist just give an aditional way to index the exact same content without human interface. And if so could i switch off the search engines
to index the original vB driven interactive content view by useing a robots.txt complyend
"do not index this page" for all view options like printview.php showthread.php and showforum.php
Came from a party and still suffer from the shock of silence and excitement of the hack but I wanted to give example. of the forbidden index thing for search engines like google friendly anought to listen .
excerpt from robots.txt
in the www directory (internet acessible main dir) if it is your vBulletin directory .
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admincp/
Disallow: /attachments/
Disallow: /clientscript/
Disallow: /cpstyles/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /modcp/
Disallow: /subscriptions/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /attachment.php
Disallow: /avatar.php
Disallow: /cron.php
Disallow: /editpost.php
Disallow: /image.php
Disallow: /joinrequests.php
Disallow: /login.php
Disallow: /member.php
Disallow: /memberlist.php
Disallow: /misc.php
Disallow: /moderator.php
Disallow: /newattachment.php
Disallow: /newreply.php
Disallow: /newthread.php
Disallow: /online.php
Disallow: /poll.php
Disallow: /postings.php
Disallow: /printthread.php
Disallow: /private.php
Disallow: /register.php
Disallow: /report.php
Disallow: /search.php
Disallow: /sendmessage.php
Disallow: /showgroups.php
Disallow: /subscription.php
Disallow: /subscriptions.php
Disallow: /usercp.php
Disallow: /threadrate.php
Disallow: /usercp.php
Disallow: /usernote.php
whitch would mean translated to german or english
d: der spider copyrightchek soll nach hause gehen und keine daten der disallow variablen f?r dateinamen.php sammeln
e: the copyrightcheck spider shall go home and not index contend of disallow variable filename.php
If so you could
"spider switch off" oneonwn board and
"spider switch on" geekpipe's hack and have perfect url to -> contenct relavent link urls and link texts for your content.
This would be the best marketing hack i ever saw for public created content.
Burgy Zapp
PS not to hide I represent - will come in english sameday Q1 2005 and own some license about 3.0.0 vBulletin not vB copy right free and work on rlp_Datenatelier project