Erry - You need to run the portion of the hack that copies the attachments across. If you have placed the remainder of the code properly, it will place any NEW ones posted as binary attachment files in there. If the folder is empty, then the copy from the Data Base wasn't done. This will also be painfully obvious, because any attachments will display only red x's too. If you are still seeing your attachments, well, something else is afoot. I'd review
Trance Master - As with any hack, you must reverse the changes to the code. How you get the attachments back into the data base is a seperate discussion. First, you will need to make sure your hosting allows for the increase in size of the DB, and then, you will need the attachment _upgrade.php mentioned earlier in this thread
But that is only PART of the process. You will need to regress each part of the hack as it instructed you to apply it to all the php scripts, lest it will fail. Now, if I remember right, this was a very well documented one, so you can get a good visual of what needs to be replaced, becuse the hack tells you to look for
this and replace it with
Good luck. I will be regressing mine when I go to vb3, as I have a ton of other hacked code thruought, and I am not changing any of mine, it's better to just go with it in the DB with vb3, and I have made it part of my conversion process