OK, i did some scouring and came up with the following fixes to some of our issues.
To solve the board confusion with having to refresh to stay logged in and out, go into forumdir/includes/config.php and change the cookie prefix to ''
To get rid of the HTTP notices, follow the instructions in this link:
if your users link in coppermine returns a 404, go into the vbulletin3.inc.php file and search for admincp, and replace it with what your admincp directory is renamed to.
The remaining issues I am having are as follows, and i posted this int he vb3 gold integration thread as well:
if a user sets the permissions on a user album to a specific group, it locks out admins, but admins can still view images from that group.
if a user sets the permissions on a user album to a specific group, members that have that group as a secondary group cant view the album.
when logged into coppermine as admin, the usermode link just says its taking you out of admin mode, and puts you right back into admin mode.