Originally Posted by kmike
Seems like vbulletin.com guys already fixed most issues with old vb-bugs in their own install:
Also I see numerous new features added. Maybe we can persuade them to open their fixes and enhancements to public?
Oops, I was wrong about the precedence, just found that vbulletin's own bug tracker appeared first and vb-bugs is just an attempt to re-implement it. Anyway, the proposal to release their bug tracker code is still valid 
It is, and I wish they would, but they aren't, or at least they aren't replying to requests to do so
It's ok, I've added in most of their functionality (such as view bugs you started/posted in) plus added some (such as a toggle to hide closed bugs and color coding by state). Working on the email subscription now. Ha! By the time we are done
they will install
our hack. Well maybe not, but it's fun to think about
That said, they would save me a whole lot of time if they would share their email subscription code....