Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
It doesn't appear to be working for me..
I'm using 3.0.1.. The Microstats hack also touches the same area of code in includes/functions.php, but I don't think that's the cause of it. The censor is disabled in the Admin CP, and tested on my account to enable the censor option - and the words are still visible uncensored..
Any ideas?
This hack doesn't use the vBulletin censorship system at all, so that would make no difference at all whether it's on or off. To get words filtered or replaced using this hack you must enter each one into the Replacement Variables system. It's a bit of a pain if you have a long list of words, but it is flexible and means that rather than have just asterisks (as with the vB censorship system) you can replace one word with another. For example, m*therf**ker could be replaced by muddyfunster.
I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't be working for you off the top of my head. I haven't upgraded my forum to 3.0.1 yet, nor do I have Microstats applied. All I can say is it "should work" if you've followed the instructions correctly, to the best of my knowledge.
If anyone else has had problems installing this, I'd be grateful to hear about it.