Another tip:
I know there are a lot of cool hacks here, and it's tempting to use those that encourage signing up. However, many of them, especially on brand-new sites, will backfire on you.
For example, you allow unregistered members to view thread titles and such, but not the actual threads. They have to register first. Yet your board is very new and there are very few threads on it right now. Why would someone register to read just a couple threads? The right way to go about this is, post something interesting, then they will have to register to reply, like normal. The hack you are using here is really meant for boards that get a lot of traffic and basically say, heck, if you can't even bother to register, I don't want you using more of my bandwidth. That isn't the case with your forum. Re-think this approach.
"Tricks" to try and get people to sign up will leave you with a fake membership - you will have a lot of members, and very few posts (and thus reasons to actually come to your community). Make interesting posts that people want to respond to. Inject some personality into your site, that's how it grows.