Make sure you are serving css as a file, also strip out anything from the templates you don't need, or offer a stripped version for people on slower connections. I would also upgrade to the latest stable release of apache 2.0. Make sure the query cache is on for mySQL to, o yea and that gzip output is on.
Also go into the admin cp and shut off anything you don't need, things like access masks, or fetures no one ever uses on your board. Every little bit gose a long way.
One last thing, after every upgrade check the vB file versions via the admin cp. If you are like me and have to wait awhile on things to upload via ftp you tend to let things go on their own, my ftp client dose not overwrite old files sometimes for whatever reason. I had old .js files when I upgraded to gold, which caused errors and some slow down until I caught it and got the new ones on there.
I loaded your boards and honestly they aren't that slow on my 56k.