Originally Posted by Acido
I wish see this hackt in action. Can someone give me some links to see this hack instaled and working?
I set it up on my test board today and it seems pretty nice. My forums are closed until May 1st so it won't be live there until then. I'm liking it so far though. I'll have a couple of suggestions in a sec.
Meanwhile though, how hard would it be to add a link harvester to this app? I had a quick one I put together awhile back to find links in posts in IPB. Should be pretty similar here:
PHP Code:
//define the database connection information
$dbHost = "localhost";
$dbUser = "";
$dbPass = "";
$dbName = "";
$urls = array();
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `pagetext` FROM `vb3_post`"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
preg_match_all("|href=['\"]?([^\"' >]+)|i",$row['vb3_post'],$matches);
foreach($matches[1] AS $href)
echo $href.'<br />';
Anyway, would be nice for the script to harvest everything then put the results in a temp category you could just go through to edit links and shuffle them around. Regardless, very nice script.