I'm back!!!!
My exams start on the 18th May 2004 and end on the 24th June 2004, so up to and in between that time, I will be here at weekends, and 3 or 4 nights a week...
After that, I shall be coding vB3 hacks again, and pestering you people every hour minute and second I am awake...
So for those of you who rejoiced in my absence, haha, I'm here again - The
hellsatan you all "love

" and know is back
Firstly, I've been away a bit, so I've got a few congratulations/commiserations to bestow...
Firstly, Congratulations to:
Logician - New Admin - Nice work

Rose - New Mod -

Good going

Boofo - New Mod - Keep it up grandpa

Velocd - New Mod - Good work
Secondly, Commiserations to:
Erwin - You will be missed:ermm:
Amykhar - Shame to see you go
Finally: I'll be around and annoying ya all, so beware