Originally Posted by Link14716
It has nothing to do with their legality. But linking to hacks in bright colors on every single page just because vB.org doesn't allow them is annoying. I don't agree with them not being allowed at vB.org, but that isn't the point.
Also the fact that you aren't even trying to stop pirates from being abke to access hacks just means I won't be releasing my hacks there
I don't have them linked in bright colors to get back at vb.org. Its there to simply show users that we have 2 very demanding hacks that cannot be found very eaisly.
Also, you talk like these
pirates are some low life kids/criminals. Guess what Matt Maybe you?ve forgotten to register WinZip after your 30 day trial has run out? Or maybe you just happened to download a MP3 file of an artist you really adore? Guess what? You?re one of those
criminals who are automatically bad and should prompty disappear off the surface of the world, so we could all enjoy a happy, friendly life.
I don't support pirates or warez, but i will not turn a member away from getting supprt for something they need support for. If they have a illagal copy of vB, what can i do to stop them? Shut my site down? Do you really think that will stop them. No. They will just look eleswhere for support.
Well, let's face it, 90% of us are using some kind of illegal software (according to most computer magazines at least). Hiding/ignoring the truth isn't exactly freedom of speech, so why should we really ignore it when everyone KNOWS things are like this anyway? Of course, (almost) all professional software developers are allergic to warez for reasons, but there's really nothing that can be done about it.
People download warez/pirated software fairly easily these days, and while we will not distribute/link to warez/pirated software, I could accept that they could get talked about. For example, if someone asks for help with the 3D Studio MAX renderer because his "illegal" version always crashes when he wants to render an animation, I think we should help him out. If we just tell him that we don't accept warez/pirated software, he will most certainly leave the board and look for another one. And remember that this person is most likely not exactly a bad guy, no more evil than any of us, so what we did was to send a perfectly fine member somewhere else.
What are the chances of that "The User" will acually say he is running pirated board. What are the chances that "The User" will actually cease and desist to use warez just because we tell him that we don't allow it? I'm sure it's not the first time he has heard it, and as I already mentioned, he will just leave and look somewhere else.
Warez/Pirated Software are not going to stop unless the developers physically find a way to make software a lot more secure in general. DVD's used to be very secure until someone cracked their encryption, and it might only be a matter of time before CD Keys/Credit cards are no longer a threat to those who want to play MMO games free of charge.
In closing, not realeasing your hacks on vBh won't really stop anyone from getting priated software. The site will continue to grow, hacks will continue to be released, and the users will continue to get support. I'm not forceing you too join, or anyone in that matter. If you like the site, and or have suggetions for the site then i encourage you to join and give us a hand. I don't run the site, the users do. And i will stick to that till the end.
Sorry its a touchy subject for me, and don't take anything personal. I like everyone and hold no gruges agaist anyone and or anything.