Alright. Here's a quick little hack for people with the store hack. It adds or subtracts points from the user depending on whether they win or lose.
All of these edits occur in hangman.php
PHP Code:
$play .= "The $term was \"<B>$word</B>\"<BR><BR>\n<A HREF=$PHP_SELF?n=$n>Play again.</A>\n\n";
PHP Code:
$losspoints=2; //Number of points subtracted for losing
if ($bbuserinfo['uttpoints'] > $losspoints){ //only subtract if the users points are greater than the amount to subtract
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET uttpoints=uttpoints-'$losspoints' WHERE userid='$userid'");
PHP Code:
$win .= "<BR><BR><H1><font size=5>\n$word_line</font></H1>\n<P><BR><BR><B>Congratulations $bbuserinfo[username]!!! You have won!!!</B><BR><BR><BR>\n<A HREF=$PHP_SELF?n=$n>Play again</A>\n\n";
PHP Code:
$winpoints=10; //Number of points added for winning
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET uttpoints=uttpoints+'$winpoints' WHERE userid='$userid'");
Took like 5 seconds to do. If you want other little features to integrate this with the store just let me know and I'll see what I can do.