Originally Posted by Morrus
This hack seems to be working fine!
Is there a way to change the formating of the output, though? Rather than a line break and then "View the entire article", can it be set to just append "(Read more...)" at the end of the text (no line breaks)?
if you want to change the output of the feed, just open up rss_update.php
PHP Code:
$rss_description = $rss_allItems[$j][DESCRIPTION];
$rss_description .= "{br}{br}[url=" . $rss_allItems[$j][LINK] . "]View the Entire Article[/url]{br}";
PHP Code:
$rss_description = $rss_allItems[$j][DESCRIPTION];
$rss_description .= " [url=" . $rss_allItems[$j][LINK] . "](Read more...)[/url]{br}";
you can format it however you like. but this is the section where you would modify the formatting of the post itself. note, you use the {br} tag to create breaklines, not the standard <br /> tag.